5 Electrical Safety Rules: How to Keep Yourself and Your Family Safe

Learn how to protect yourself & your family from potential electrical hazards with these 5 essential electrical safety rules.

5 Electrical Safety Rules: How to Keep Yourself and Your Family Safe

When it comes to electrical safety, it's essential to take the necessary steps to protect yourself and your family. Every year, thousands of electrical fires occur in homes, and many of these could have been prevented by following a few simple electrical safety tips. At Constellation, we care about the safety of our customers, and if you follow these electrical safety tips at home, you can reduce the risk of accidents and keep you and your family safe. The first rule of electrical safety is to always disconnect whatever you're working on.

Make sure there is no possibility of reconnecting. If you find yourself using extension cords frequently, it may be a sign that you don't have enough outlets in the room. In this case, it's best to contact a qualified electrician who understands electrical safety regulations to install additional outlets. When buying a power cable, consider the electrical load it will withstand.

A cable with a load of 16 AWG can hold up to 1375 watts. For heavier loads, use a 14 or 12 AWG cable. Additionally, make sure all lamps, accessories and appliances are using the correct wattage. If a lamp doesn't have a wattage on the list, use bulbs of 60 watts or less.

For unmarked ceiling lamps, choose 25-watt bulbs. An electrical tester is an important tool for detecting current or hot cables. When the tester touches a live wire, the bulb inside will light up to indicate that an electrical current is flowing through the corresponding cable. According to the National Fire Protection Association, faulty or damaged cables and related electrical equipment cause 69 percent of electrical fires, followed by lamps, light fixtures, cables, outlets, transformers and other power supplies. Pay special attention to gas or electric dryers as they must be located at least one foot away from the wall to operate safely. If any appliance gives you even a mild electric shock, stop using it until a qualified electrician checks for problems.

This can shorten the life of the appliance and cause a risk to the home due to overheating, or even cause the accumulation of hazardous gases that can cause an electrical fire. Always be aware of these signs and follow the safety regulations established in the electrical code of your country. Electrical safety tips not only apply when using power cables but also when storing them safely to prevent damage. Always use suitable insulating rubber gloves and goggles when working on any branch circuit or any other electrical circuit. To comply with electrical safety regulations, keep electrical equipment dry and away from water to prevent damage to appliances and protect against personal injury and electrocution. Tips include storing toasters, blenders and electric kettles on high shelves or in locked cabinets in places where children can't access them. By following these electrical safety tips at home, you can reduce the risk of accidents, avoid overloading your home's electrical system, and keep you and your family safe.

Download a PDF with the checklist of 10 tips for more information.